What does really mean Abundance and how to attract that Abundance in your life

The past few days, a good friend of mine posted the picture above... confronting money knowledge and life. For him life nowadays was more an enslavement rather than a true freedom.

He asked around what was our idea of life? I replied to him "I learnt by experience money does not make you happy.... I seek happiness passion and fulfillment ... in that case I prefer to talk about abundance rather than money only ..." and he asked me in return what was for me the meaning of Abundance which I will share with you later on...and also give you some advice on how being Abundant ....

I am not surprised how people are confused about the meaning of Abundance nowadays... if we look at the dictionary it means profusion and a large quantity of something.

I see on my everyday basis a number of colleagues or friends who are seeking this abundance but they miss one big point ... you get Abundance if you let go entirely of your EGO.

Ego is all about money and slavery.... Abundance is all about  Soul and Freedom ...

If you seek abundance with your Ego you will seek money and self centered benefits.

Abundance  is  not what you get it is what YOU ARE....

It's going beyond money and material possessions.

Abundance is not the money you have in your bank account, the trophies on your shelf, the letters after your name, the list of goals reached, the number of people you know, your perfect body, your adoring fans.

It is your connection to each breath, how sensitive you are to every flicker of sensation and emotion in the body. It is the delight with which you savour each unique moment, the joy with which you greet each new day. It is knowing yourself as presence, the power that creates and moves worlds. 

It is your open heart, how deeply moved you are by love every day, your willingness to embrace, to hold what needs to be held. It is the freshness of each morning unencumbered by memory or false hope.

Abundance is about being fully awake and spiritually conscious.

Abundance and money without being enslaved in your EGO will come from what we call the law of Attraction. You will attract all the abundance you need once you are aligned with your true self and your consciousness.

From my experience, here are some of the most important steps you will have to take in order to truly spiritually attract abundance with a big A. I've done the hard part by researching, testing, and putting together these methods for you, so pay close attention:
  1. Get a clear goal of amount of abundance and the resulting lifestyle which you want to attract - The universe, spiritual force (or whatever you want to call it) does not deal very well with unclear or mixed messages. When you aren't clear about what you want or you change your mind from moment to moment, you aren't likely to get good results.

    If you wish to order merchandise from a catalog and you send an illegible order form, or an order form with conflicting requests, chances are you will either receive nothing or, in an attempt to fulfill your request, the company will send you something that you did not want at all. Sound familiar?
  2. Frequently align your visual mind, your thoughts, and your emotions with what you want to create - Sit in a quiet place and picture yourself in your mind's eye accomplishing your financial goals are if they are already happening. Close your eyes and imagine the joy of holding money in your hands. See yourself comfortably paying your bills, having plenty to save and invest, and having the abundance to start doing the things you've always wanted to do in life. When it comes to abundance, adjust your thinking to where you feel desire, joy, relief, and appreciation, not loneliness, frustration, or disbelief.

    Getting control over your emotions is especially important. Your emotions are the voice that shouts at the universe and tells it what you want to manifest in your life. Even after some practice, if you can't get control of your emotions, don't worry - there are approaches for handling this issue (such as meditation and mindfulness) .
  3. Start the process of removing your personal obstacles - This is where most spiritual attraction approaches fall short. A healthy person (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) can put intention into what they want, and the desired outcome arrives quickly and with little hassle. If you've persistently put intention into the abundance and lifestyle you want to create, and you consistently do not get the results you want, it may be time to examine how you may be blocking your desire from manifesting. 

    But firstly let go of your EGO :)

    Doubts, negative expectations, low self esteem and hopelessness all block the flow of spiritual attraction. This is why clearing these personal obstacles has to be your top priority if you are serious about attracting Abundance.
  4. Slowly build your faith in the process - You may be able to put out the intention to attract the abundance and lifestyle you desire and within a short amount of time, attain this goal. But you will likely be better off taking small steps to harness your skill of spiritual attraction. Rather than setting yourself up for failure, you want to approach the process in a way that keeps you on success. Take small risks to test and develop your skill.

    Each time you test the process and you are successful, your faith in the process strengthens. The stronger your faith in the process, the more power you gain in attracting what you want. Once your faith is strong, then start aiming for the big intentions such as the level of abundance that you've always dreamed about.

    Make sure to give the universe some time to manifest what you request. Let it take care of the details of how things will fall into place. If you plant a seed in a garden, and you dig it up every day to see how it's doing, what happens? The seed dies and the plant doesn't grow. You have to stay back, give the seed that water it needs, and be patient. Think about how you can apply this same principle to spiritually attracting wealth into your life.

    Also, keep an open mind to how the abundance may show op in your life. It may not be a sum of money. Sometimes, when we set out to spiritually manifest things, we are given opportunities.
