10 tips to recognise a psychopath in your environment or your workplace

This day I noticed that we are more and more confronted to people with personality disorders this is my 10 tips to recognise them and be able to deal with them.

1. Lacks empathy

They’re insensitive to others’ feelings, and when they show emotion, it’s often shallow. When these people are confronted with angry faces, they don’t respond in any way.

Teller catch phrase: “Why are you getting so upset?”

2. Makes self-serving moral choices

They cheat — at the self-checkout line, at work, and on their spouses and partners.

Teller catch phrase: “This isn’t hurting anyone.”

3. Lies repeatedly and unnecessarily

They’ll fib about their job, their SAT score, or their military service. It’s all about making themselves appear better, more intellectual, and more skilled than they really are.

Teller catch phrase: “Bill Clinton and I were just chatting….”

4. Is a master manipulator

They’ll spin tales to dupe, deceive, and distract, and the larger the authority figure they fool, the happier they are.

Teller catch phrase: “Can you help out this Nigerian prince I know?”

5. Deflects blame

You can see it in domestic violence cases — with the offender blaming the victim for driving them into a rage — and also at the office. They bitch and moan every year at their review when things don’t go their way.

Teller catch phrase: “It’s not my fault.”

6. Shows no remorse

When they express regret, it’s often only because they’ve been caught. Many don’t even understand the concept of remorse. You have to explain it to them.

Teller catch phrase: “Why would I be sorry?”

7. Is two-faced

They’re nice to your face, then talk about you behind your back. And it’s not just with individual relationships, but loyalty to coworkers, organization, country, or any sort of committed relationship.

Teller catch phrase: “God, I can’t stand her.”

8. Ignores responsibilities

They shirk work duties, child-support payments, or financial obligations. They avoid credit card debt by opening new accounts — in someone else’s name.

Teller catch phrase: “It completely slipped my mind.”

9. Uses people

The world is their oyster, and you’re picking up the tab.

Teller catch phrase: “I totally forgot my wallet.”

10. Is superficially charming and glib

They try incredibly hard to make you like them, or think that they’re just like you. It’s that fake flash of a smile, no sincerity behind it.

Teller catch phrase: “I love your [fill in the blank] — I have one just like it.”

I hope my tips help you to understand better how to deal with them.

Laura xoxo
