Live love and embrace your life :time to reassess what goes wrong and move on!

We are at the end of 2017 and as every year usually we are reassessing what was good what was completely wrong! Let me share with you my thoughts about it….

Once again this year the Universe reminds me how life is precious and how we should take care of each single moment spent. 

Some people ask me often why I am so strong and so positive and ask me my secrets on how I overcome adversity so easily… well sometimes you just have no choice 😉

I was 30 years old when the Universe taught me that motto so pretty young but not so much. When you have to mourn approximately 10 close ones in a year or so and you lose the one (you love so deeply) so quickly (re : my mum), you think you will never overcome the pain and the loss. You think you will sink into deep waters and never be able to being the same anymore.

If the first part is wrong well I have to admit the second part is true … but not being the same anymore is not a bad thing either. 

Let me explain to you ….
When you experienced that pain you learn how to fight with it and you become more resilient and stronger. You will also see life with another vision. 

The Universe teaches you that you are not (so) immortal and so you have to enjoy every single minutes of it.

So when you know that you also know:
·         Your life is in your hands.
·         You are the captain of your ship!
·         You can have,
·         you could be,
·         you could do whatever you want to do.

And that is a very positive thing… because you know that you have to live your life to the fullest, and make sure you have no excess baggage, no bs and of course no regrets.

Stress and setbacks are a part of life, and you can’t avoid them. A series of small challenges, or a traumatic situation, can be hard to deal with. If you know you can cope with adversity, that can give you the confidence to get through tough situations.

Coping strategies can enable you to deal with stress and maintain a sense of control in your life. There are many different ways of coping with stress and everyone is different, so it’s about finding something that works for you. Mine are a mix of meditation, learning, nature and creativity.

And please don’t make the mistake of sinking deep down into some bad addictions because it is easy and quicker to put the dust under the rug (at least your head if you want to live a life like a blind person and refusing to accept what the reality of your life is) but one day you will have a wake up call and believe me the awakening will be tough on you because in that case you will have the opposite effect and your life could be cut off quicker than ever ... 

So from now on stop being negative or envious or upset at yourself and practice self love every single minute as a healing healthy behaviour and remember one thing nothing is immutable when you own your life!

You don’t have what you want to be happy in life …. Well If you are not happy you know what to do to make you more happy. I can understand sometimes change can be frightening because you have to mourn a past situation but what if that change was "the cup of Fresh air" you were looking for (for ages) and never had the gut to embrace that change and fully embrace the person you are within.  So my advice in here never see change as something negative but more as a rebirth. 

So stay positive, patient and always try to see the silver lining even through heavy clouds... your life is precious and no one can own it for you ....never forget that !!!

With all my love
Laura xxx
