Motherless on mother's day or how to find the true value of Love ?

Mother's day week end is usually a bad week end for me for 13 years now ... My past is my past I know I have to live and cope with it ....I can't change it but I can just change things around me.
That sad event started me thinking about what I truly ­value.  

Before that event, I was someone selfish. I was only focus on myself I had a huge Ego it was me before the others always. And I divorced and then my mum passed away. My life just crumbled everything (I was thinking I was) was bullshit. I had that feeling of being a pure stranger of myself.

My friends thought I would never cope with this huge drama, I kept that Pride and Facade of myself for a while... without any success...

My happiness was gone I was gone ....
I understood a lot about myself from that period such as it is important for your ­happiness to understand the difference between goals and values. It does not mean you can't be ambitious. It just means your ambition has to be driven by good motives (humility, kindness, honesty).

Goals are like a compass: they help you to set a direction in life and to measure your success. One personal goal might be: ‘In ten years time, I want to own a house by the seaside.’

This could be highly motivating — and it will make you happy when you finally hit your goal. But it would be crazy to have to wait ten years to be happy. 

Goals should not limit your ­happiness. You can, however, be happy every day provided you’re living by your values.

These values are the principles and states that you hold in the highest esteem. For some people, they might be religious beliefs; for others, their values might include loyalty or integrity.

Your own happiness is founded on these personal values, which give meaning to your life. 

Over the years, I’ve met with a number of people who were approaching the end of their lives. None of them, I’ve found, looked back and wished that they’d  had more money, more cars or bigger houses.

All of them were most grateful for the love of their families, the beauties of the natural world and the joys of friendship. They all wished they’d worried less and laughed more.

But there was one incident, last year, that made me focus on my own values.

I had issues with my health and doctors saved my life twice and I realised life and love were the most beautiful gift we could have in life.

This event suddenly sent my imagination soaring into the future. I realised that in 30 years, many of the people I knew and loved would have died.

As these ideas rushed into my head, I remember thinking: ‘I’m going to love and appreciate my family and friends every day, because they won’t all be here in three decades. I’m going to appreciate my health and enjoy each day I live.’

Since that wake up call happened, I’ve built my life around the following values, and asked myself these related questions each day:

LOVE: Am I expressing and ­receiving it?
LAUGHTER: Am I open to laughter and good humour?
LOYALTY: Am I being a good friend, and am I enjoying my friends?
CREATIVITY: Am I expressing and developing my talents?
GRATITUDE: Am I grateful for what I’ve been given?
GENEROSITY: Am I making a ­positive contribution to the world around me?

And everyday of my life I try to stick with those questions because I know the value of life, I know the value of love. 

Anyway I hope you did enjoy my post today... I am thinking to all the motherless daughters and sons of this planet and send my love to them ... because only Love and Care are the answer ...They are my ambition in life!

Laura xo
