How I decide to cutting you out of my life or not ? #INFJ #Doorslamconcept

Inconsistencies and incongruities in people bother me.  A lot.  Not in a ‘I need total predictability and complete control’ type of way, but in a ‘you need to be trustworthy in order to gain my trust’ kind of way.

It’s like this: you tell me you are such and so, or you believe in this or that, then you do something totally opposite of your own stated moral code.  I’m going to be like WTF?  If integrity is a fluid concept that changes with opportunity or circumstance, it’s an act; a lie you tell yourself and others.

In my little INFJ mind, no one knows the depths of their own morality until it is challenged.  Talk is cheap. It is when life provides the temptation, justification, or excuse to do whatever- that thing we say we won’t do- that we each will come face to face with truth about our own moral limits (ref: lack of integrity).

When you show me with your own actions how easily your limits are pushed; how quickly your values are tossed aside in favor of convenience, comfort or personal gain, it is the moment when I lose respect for, and ability to trust you.  (Hence, the infamous INFJ door slam.) 

If your choices have affected me personally, I have experienced it as a betrayal and it has hurt me greatly.  If your actions have been toward others, I see how little you value other people, commitment, and/or relationships.  I see how easy it is for you to hurt others- either intentionally or in self-absorbed ignorant bliss. I see how insignificant it is to live what you believe, to set a good example or to care about your own reputation or legacy. I see how you disregard God, as if He is not there, or has not given us direction on proper living. I’m also put on notice of how you will soon treat me, if I allow it. (Again, INFJ door slam.)

I realise that some people may consider this opinion extreme, and tell me that we should adopt a “live and let live” mentality.  Lighten up.  To each his own. Don’t take things so personally.  If I could do that, I wouldn’t be an INFJ.  And if that was such great advice, we wouldn’t have the saying, “When people show you who they are, believe them." (Maya Angelou)

Moral of the story:

Say what you mean and mean what you say;
You will stay in my life and you will stay in the life of another INFJ.
